about iTiSdESign

about iTiSdESign


At What iT iS dESign studios, our primary responsibility is to the businesses, organizations, and all others who use our products and services. We are in business to serve the nationwide need for online publicity at a fair profit by providing the best Web designs, at the best price, with the best results.


To equip businesses and organizations with the most functional, efficient, and effective Web sites to reach their fullest marketing potential.

message from the president

First, thank you for your interest in our company! Now I would like to take a moment to brief you on the history and creation of What iT iS dESign studios.

I began this company during the evenings and summers while majoring in Graphic Design at Ball State University (Muncie, IN). Focusing artistic talents in this direction, enabled me to apply to this business what I had learned from my major and internships, while it was fresh in my mind. I gained much experience, and designed Web sites for a number of businesses and organizations since that spring of '98. Creating Web sites has allowed me to combine my love for art and fascination with technology into a true business solution; one that I believe businesses must have in order to compete in today's market. And I love to watch as a wonderful idea transforms into a piece of art which is as interactive and informational as it is vital!

All of this has helped establish us, competitively, in commercial Web design. Today we continue to make a name for ourselves, in the Internet arena, by helping businesses and organizations harness the profitability of the Web.

If you would like to know more about how a Web site from What iT iS dESign studios can really help your business or organization, feel free to contact me. I will gladly answer any questions you may have!

Best Regards,

Aaron D. Neff

President, What iT iS dESign studios

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P.O. Box 1077, Muncie, IN, 47308-1077      765-281-9987 (phone/fax)
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